Hydrangea Flowers On No Flower Pages? These 4 Things Can Be The Cause
JAKARTA - Hydrangea or horrene flower is the type of plant that has the most beautiful color flowers. Starting from blue, pink, cream, to lima green, the colors of hydrangea can certainly cool each eye that looks at it.
However, in some cases, the beautiful hirrangea flowers are reluctant to show their flowers even though they have been treated perfectly. Fertile growth with large green leaves does not guarantee that the hydrangea flower will bloom.
Launching the Taste of Home, Thursday, May 11, the growth period of the horrtensi flower depends on the varieties planted. Generally, this flower, known as the bokor flower, will bloom from mid-season to late summer or early autumn.
There are also several varieties of hydrangea that bloom badi throughout the summer. Hydrangea that grows in hot climate areas may stop flooding in that season but will bloom again in autumn.
The hydrangea flower begins to appear in spring and can last throughout the summer until early autumn. You can plant this flower to beautify the yard with a charming color, also used as a barrier plant.
Once the hortensia blooms into flowers, the mophead or flower size will thrive to decorate the yard. You can also cut the flowers and be assembled into a series of flowers to be placed in a vassel or dried as additional decorations.
If the hydrangea flower does not flower throughout the year, there are at least four reasons that must be known, namely:
Some types of hydrangea sprout and bloom in old stems from the previous planting season while others will sprout in new stems. Learn how to trim each type of hydrangea properly or horrene you will lose its bloom period.
Have you just transplanted the hydrangeas in the yard and found that previously healthy plants don't look good now? Maybe it takes time to re-adjust. Plants that have been moved can sometimes experience transplant shocks.
Young plants or hydrangea that have just been transplanted may require time to establish themselves in a new place so that they do not flower immediately. On the other hand, leaves and stems will direct energy to produce new roots and leaves and adapt to new conditions.
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Hydrangea likes to remain hydrated. Is your hydrangea located in an area that can prevent it from getting a steady flow of water or rainfall? They like the soil around it evenly watered to support the flower bloom. Lack of water can prevent it from flooding. Make the necessary adjustments for water manually if necessary.
Hydrangeas that do not bloom may not get enough sunlight. Check the surrounding landscape and see if there is a branch or growth from other plants that prevent sunlight from getting to the hydrangea. Most hydrangean varieties will grow well in some shade, but significant lack of sunlight could be a problem. Decide if other plants can be cut to allow more sunlight to reach the hydrangea.