Not Attaching A Resign Letter, Maluku KPU Rejects Registration Files For Candidates For DPD Members
MALUKU - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Maluku Province rejected the registration of prospective members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) Ali Roho Talaohu.
Ali's registration file is incomplete because it does not attach a resign letter or resignation of the person concerned as the Regional Coordinator of the Family Hope Program (PKH) for the North Maluku-North Maluku Region (Malut), Papua and West Papua.
"In the file, we know that the person concerned is still the coordinator of the Maluku-Malut PKH. So we return the administrative files," said Maluku KPU chairman, Syamsul Rifan Kubangun, in Ambon, Wednesday, May 10, confiscated by Antara.
He said, according to the regulations of the General Elections Commission (PKPU), those who are civil servants or permanent employees in BUMN, must resign before registering as legislative candidates alias legislative candidates.
According to him, this stage is still in administrative filing. So, the Bacaleg, which was returned to the file during registration, can make improvements.
"The improvement means completing the file. If it is complete, you can return to register again. As long as it reaches the time that has been determined by the KPU," he explained.
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Rifan admitted, of the eight Babeleg DPD RI who had registered officially with the Maluku KPU, only Ali Roho Talaohu's file had just been returned.
Meanwhile, files of Anna Latuconsina, Miratiah Dewantingsih, Bisri As-Shidiq Latuconsina, Novita APOtta, Hasanuddin Rumra, Nono Sampono and Melkias Frans have been received by the KPU.
Rifan also emphasized that during registration, the General Election Commission (KPU) was supervised by the Maluku Bawaslu. Therefore, the requirements attached by the Babileg must be strictly considered.
"We are trying to make this stage go well. We don't want Bawaslu's findings from this process," he said.