Proven Corruption, Inactive Pemalang Regent Sentenced To 6.5 Years In Prison

The inactive Pemalang Regent Mukti Agung Wibowo was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison in the case of alleged receipt of bribes and gratuities within the local district government for the period 2021 to 2022.

The verdict read by Chief Judge Bambang Setyo Widjanarko during a trial at the Semarang Corruption Court, Monday, May 8, was lighter than the prosecutor's demand for 8.5 years.

In addition to the prison sentence, the judge also imposed a fine of Rp. 30 million, which if not paid, would be replaced with imprisonment for three months.

The judge also required the defendant to pay compensation for state losses for the proceeds of corruption enjoyed amounting to Rp4.9 billion.

In its decision, the defendant Mukti Agung Wibowo was found guilty of violating Article 12 letter a, Article 12 letter b, and Article 12B of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001.

The total bribes and gratuities obtained by the defendant through their trusted people reached Rp6.6 billion.

The bribes and gratuities themselves came from the thanksgiving money of echelon 2, 3, and 4 officials who were promoted, contributions from officials in Pemalang Regency, money that was set aside from the official budget, and fees from a number of project implementers.

"The total gratuity received by the defendant for about two years served through Adi Jumal Widodo amounting to Rp5,085 billion," he said in the trial followed by the defendant from the KPK detention room in Jakarta.

The bribes and gratuities were also proven to be used to meet the defendant's needs, such as paying debts, giving land and rice milling equipment, purchasing Eid parcels, and contributing to the Pemalang Regency United Development Party (PPP).

In their consideration, the judge stated that the defendant was proven to have enjoyed the money coming from bribes and gratuities.

"The defendant as a state administrator does not support the program of realizing a good and clean government," he said.

Based on this decision, both the defendant and the Public Prosecutor expressed their thoughts.