Declared 'Ill', Yudo Andreawan 'The Angry Man Being Treated At Grogol Mental Hospital

JAKARTA - Yudo Andreawan's health and mental examination has been completed. As a result, Yudo will not be detained at the detention center. Instead, he underwent treatment at the Grogol Mental Hospital (RSJ).
"The doctor recommended that he be treated further at the Grogol Hospital," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Ranmor, Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Yuliansyah to VOI, Thursday, May 4.
The decision of the team of doctors was based on the results of psychological observations carried out for 20 days. Yudo is considered unfit to be detained.
"Not (detained, red). Because the requirement for detention is to be physically and mentally healthy," he said.
However, regarding Yudo's heinous illness, namely mental disorder, Yuliansyah did not confirm it. The reason is that the team of doctors who have the authority to convey this matter.
"For the type of disease the doctor knows," said Yuliansyah.
اقرأ أيضا:
Yudo Andreawan admitted that he had a mental disorder, namely a disorder. In fact, he had shown a 'yellow card' when he was arrested.
Mental disorder is a change that occurs in a person's mindset and emotions that easily interferes with the performance of his daily activities, especially due to disorders that occur in the brain.
Yudo Andreawan was named a suspect in the persecution case. He abused his colleague with the initials R. The reason was trivial, he did not accept his friend leaving the WhatsApp group he made.
Yudo Andreawan was charged with Article 335 of the Criminal Code concerning unpleasant acts and 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution.