Central Java Police Alert 4,390 Personnel To Guard Labor Day Commemoration

Welcoming the Commemoration of International Labor Day or popular with May Day on May 1, the Central Java Police (Central Java) coordinated with a number of relevant agencies including provincial and district-city governments in Central Java.

The Central Java Regional Police guarantees that they will oversee every activity related to labor day humanely and remain within the corridor of the law, including human rights.

"We have coordinated with the local government as the regional stakeholder and spearhead in solving the labor problem. For that, fellow workers please channel their aspirations in a healthy and constructive manner. Voice through the correct channel so that the right solution is obtained," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy in Semarang, Sunday, April 30.

The Head of Humas also explained that the Central Java Police had alerted 4,390 personnel spread across all police ranks.

"Meanwhile, the Regional Police Headquarters has 576 personnel from various functions who are ready to be shifted at any time to assist security in the region," he added.

For the sake of public peace, the Head of Public Relations appealed to all activities including demonstrations to be carried out in an orderly manner and to respect the rights of other citizens.

"Like road users and people in the neighborhood around the Unras (protes) location," he said

For this reason, he hopes that the submission of opinions on the day of workers is carried out in an orderly, sympathetic manner and obeys the rule of law and principles of human rights.

"We will oversee activities according to the SOP by prioritizing preventive and humanist efforts. We hope that all activities will run in an orderly and smooth manner," he concluded.