
Regional Head of Bulog Regional Office of Lampung, Bambang Prihatmoko, said that the realization of rice distribution for the Supply Stabilization and Food Price (SPHP) program in his area had reached 21,587 tons.

"The realization of rice sales in the supply stabilization program and food prices as of Thursday, October 19, in Lampung Province is 21,587 tons," said Head of Perum BULOG Regional Office of Lampung, Bambang Prihatmoko, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, October 23.

He said, while the target for distributing SPHP rice to the public in 2023 is targeted to be 28,000 tons.

"The target for 2023 is 28,000 tons of SPHP program rice which is distributed to the public. For those who purchase this SPHP, it is prioritized to retailer networks in all areas of Lampung," he said.

He explained that the distribution of rice through the SPHP program in 2023 had been carried out in total to 932 retailers in all areas of Lampung, including stores in markets, Rumah Pangan Kita (RPK), cooperatives, and retailers.

"We hope that there will still be an increase in the amount of government rice reserves (CBP) through the SPHP program or food assistance. So that it can increase the supply of rice in the market and the community, which can have an impact on reducing the increase in rice prices, especially medium rice at the consumer level," he said.

He also hopes that the distribution of SPHP rice can be carried out smoothly, where currently every month the distribution has reached 2,000 tons from the usual 400-800 tons per day.

"Hopefully everything can be distributed smoothly, so that people can get prices at affordable prices through the implementation of the SPHP program. The highest rice in this program is sold at a price of Rp. 10,900 per kilogram," he added.

The response to the routine distribution of SPHP rice was said by one of the traders at the Kalung Traditional Market, Adillah.

"Through this SPHP rice, at least it can help traders to keep selling medium rice at affordable prices amid the ongoing increase in rice prices," said Adillah.

He continued that apart from helping traders sell rice at affordable prices, the existence of SPHP rice can maintain public consumption as well.

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