
The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) received an award for the Construction of the Immigration and Correctional Polytechnic Flats (Rusun) in Tangerang, from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"Alhamdulillah, today the Ministry of PUPR received an award for the support for the construction of the Flats which will be used by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Ministry of PUPR continues to be with colleagues at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to ensure that the special tasks they carry out can be completed properly," said Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Zainal Fatah in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted Tuesday, August 22.

The Ministry of PUPR hopes that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights can carry out maintenance and maintenance of flats to encourage the management and use of flats properly.

In addition, it is also necessary to form a flat management unit so that the management system can be more professional so that the building life can also take longer.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights' Immigration Polytechnic and Polytechnic Flats was built by the Ministry of PUPR through the Java I Housing Provision I Center (BP2P) of the Directorate General of Housing Multi Years Contract (MYC) for 2022-2023 with a budget of IDR 13.1 billion.

The flats have a building area of 2,042 square meters and are built as high as three floors with a capacity of 168 people. The residential types are type 24 consisting of 43 rooms. The furniture facilities in the flats include 86 cabinets, 82 flat mattresses, 4 single mattresses, as well as 168 study tables and chairs each.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, said that the Ministry of PUPR since 2015 had built a number of flats for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in several locations, such as Denpasar, Batam, Riau Islands, Cilacap, Medan, and Tangerang.

According to him, the construction of vertical housing in addition to optimizing land is also able to make a positive contribution to the achievement of the President's mission to build superior Human Resources (HR) towards Advanced Indonesia.

In addition, continued Iwan, the construction of the Kemenkumham Immigration Polytechnic and Polytechnic Flats is a form of support from the Ministry of PUPR in establishing a character education center.

"Hopefully the flats can be useful for students and become a place to develop a sense of nationality and love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)," he said.

On the same occasion, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly also thanked the ministries/agencies that have become partners in carrying out the duties of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. One of them is the Ministry of PUPR for its support and cooperation.

"Thank you to the ministry/institutional partners for their cooperation and support. Including the Ministry of PUPR who has always been loyal in providing assistance to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," he added.

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