JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said he had reported to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the delivery of flower bouquets to the homes of structural officials and leaders of anti-corruption agencies.
Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, became one of the anti-corruption Lembag officials who received a handover with a sarcastic tone.
"We have conveyed this to the National Police Chief, as soon as we received the news that there was a flower shipment we conveyed to the National Police Chief," Firli told reporters, Monday, July 31.
According to him, with this report already, the Police will investigate it. Thus, the sender of the wreath will be known
"Because it is the responsibility of the National Police Chief to reveal who ordered sending flowers, where the flowers were sent, when they were made, who ordered them. That's the task of the National Police Chief," he said.
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On the other hand, Firli seemed reluctant to polemic about the message implied on the wreath. In fact, he linked the writing to the determination of the suspect against Kabasarnas Marsdya Henri Alfiand.
The chairman of the KPK seemed to be joking when sending flower bouquets to the house of structural officials and the head of the anti-corruption agency was a flower shop.
"The one who sent the wreath was a florist, a flower shop. So no other party sent it except for the flower shop. Of course we don't know the meaning of the flower delivery," said Firli.
For information, one of the wreaths reads 'Congratulations on Mr. Alexander Marwata's success in Entering the Neighbors' Yard.
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