Deputy Chairman of Commission XI of the House of Representatives Fathan Subchi revealed that there is a separate dynamic in the process of ratifying the Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP) some time ago.
According to him, in the process of brewing the belied, all factions in parliament agreed to separate the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) from the body of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).
"At that time it was planned) His name was the Admissions Agency," he said during a national tax seminar in Jakarta in the middle of this week.
Fathan explained that in the applicable laws and regulations, this proposal must be agreed upon by both parties, namely the DPR and the government.
"If the DPR agrees but the government does not agree then it will not work. Likewise, the government agrees but the DPR does not agree then it cannot," said Fathan.
In fact, he continued, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani had given a positive signal on the initiatives built by parliament.
"The Minister of Finance said he had informed the President of this. The President said he did not agree and the Directorate General of Taxes was still under the Ministry of Finance. Finally, Pak Suryo (Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo) could not become a minister," said Fathan, who was greeted by a joke from the seminar participants who attended.
اقرأ أيضا:
For information, the Directorate General of Taxes is an echelon I work unit that is directly responsible to the Minister of Finance. Meanwhile, the tax sector is the main contributor to state revenue.
Quoting the 2023 State Budget Law, this year's tax revenue target is IDR 1,718 trillion. This figure is about 50 percent of the total state revenue of IDR 2.463 trillion.
Meanwhile, the realization of tax revenues until the first semester of 2023 was recorded at IDR 970.2 trillion or had reached 56.5 percent of the ceiling.
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