JAKARTA - The increasing trend of online shopping has spread to many levels of society, along with the increasing penetration of the internet and the widespread use of digital technology.

Various characteristics of people shopping online encourage increasingly varied payment methods to make the transaction process easier. It is evident from the increasing enthusiasm of the community with the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method.

Based on the E-Commerce Statistics Report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Of the total 17 thousand transactions that occurred throughout 2019, 73.04 percent of buyers chose to transact with the COD payment system, 21.2 percent transacted by bank transfer and 4.67 percent with e-wallet or digital wallet.

However, the problem that sellers often face today is the length of the process of disbursing funds from the payment of the COD (Cash On Delivery) method. Where when customers pay in cash at the time of delivery of goods, sellers have to wait to get the funds they receive.

Therefore, throughout 2023, SendinAja created programs that support the business development of members. One of them is a new program that will be launched by COD (Cash On Delivery) Advance, namely liquid COD funds of up to 50 percent when packages are received by couriers.

"The category that can enjoy the latest program from SendinAja is a business owner with COD delivery needs, an online business owner with an average COD delivery of 3,000 receipts per month and is able to prove the potential for delivery in the last 3 months (covering bank statements) of members," said Senior Finance Manager of SendinAja, Oka Mahendra in a written statement, quoted Monday, June 12.

As the first platform to provide 50 percent COD Advance, SendinAja CEO Fariz GTJ said that SendinAja would reinforce their commitment for the advancement of MSMEs in Indonesia.

"We will also always innovate in meeting the needs of business people and sellers," Fariz added further.

According to Fariz, this program will be an advantage in itself, if business people can use the program offered by SendinAja and receive cash payments at the time of delivery as it allows them to increase sales by establishing a business with customers.

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