JAKARTA - The police have arrested six students who allegedly wanted to do a brawl at the Kampung Kandang TPU, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Thursday, August 3. A total of six students were arrested by officers, they had the initials MI (16), MF (15), MM (18), AF (15), FR (15).

"Thursday afternoon in the Kampung Kandang cemetery area, students tried to do a brawl," said Jagakarsa Police Chief, Kompol Multazam in a short message, Friday, August 4.

Multazam explained that the incident began when Babinkamtibmas was on patrol. Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), he saw students gathering.

On that basis, the student was examined and searched. As a result, it was found that one of them was carrying a sharp weapon of the type of sickle. Then the students were taken to the Jagakarsa Police.

"One student caught carrying a knife will be prosecuted, while we will return the other five, after fulfilling the requirements we made such as the statement of his parents, RT, RW lurah and the relevant school," he said.

"Of the six students, we secured one sharp sickle, three motorbikes and five cellphones. From the results of urine checks, the six students were negative for taking drugs," he continued.

Multazam said that the five students would be trained to participate in martial arts training at the Jagakarsa Police. This was done to reduce brawls.

"We will gojlok (test-ed) them at the training ground at the Polsek so that they are more focused on being able to excel," he concluded.

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