JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary (Sekda) Joko Agus Setyono said that there had been errors in the management of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) and also Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) after being revitalized.
This is in response to a note from the DKI Jakarta DPRD which views these two buildings as not contributing profits to the BUMD manager, namely PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro).
"So indeed we admit that TIM and JIS were wrong from birth," said Joko in a meeting on the results of the discussion on the Raperda on Accountability for the Implementation of the 2022 DKI Jakarta Regional Budget at the DKI DPRD building, Thursday, August 3.
Joko, who has served as the Regional Secretary of DKI since February 2023, views that BUMD should only be assigned to build infrastructure projects from the government budget.
"The assignment should be like the central government assigning Adi Karya to make the Jabodebek LRT not the same as the DKI Jakarta government in giving assignments," said Joko.
Meanwhile, what occurs in Jakarta in every assignment to BUMD, especially Jakpro, the DKI Provincial Government allocates a regional capital participation budget (PMD) to BUMD to build. After being built, BUMD is also assigned to manage the infrastructure.
"The assignment carried out by the DKI Jakarta government gave PMD and then finally the assets and so on belonged to BPMD. Because it belongs to BUMD, so this burdens maintenance costs, then the cost of shrinking," he said.
Meanwhile, the realization, JIS and TIM, which cost trillions of rupiah in their management, have not been able to provide benefits from the use of building rentals.
Bahkan, Jakpro masih harus mengeluarkan biaya operasional yang juga cukup besar setiap tahunnya. Akibatnya, keuangan perusahaan Jakpro menjadi tidak sehat dan tak bisa menghasilkan dividend kepada Pemprov DKI selama empat tahun terakhir.
"If this is from PMD, it means that this is Jakpro's asset. After becoming Jakpro's asset, the maintenance costs must be borne by Jakpro, the huge cost of this shrinkage must be borne by Jakpro, so this will be a very high burden in Jakpro," said Joko.
Therefore, Joko admitted that the DKI Provincial Government will look for the best formula in TIM and JIS management so that it can increase regional income through dividends. "We are currently working on this so that it can be maximized in the commercial," he added.
For information, in the meeting to discuss the Raperda on Accountability for the Implementation of the 2022 DKI Jakarta APBD, Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD views that the management of JIS and TIM as Jakpro assets needs to be evaluated.
Because, according to the DPRD, the JIS and TIM rental rates are not affordable for users. Also, the shrinkage of the value of this asset is very burdensome for Jakpro's finances.
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