JAKARTA - Sultan Rif'at Alfatih's father, a victim of cable traps, Fatih, revealed his reason for rejecting the Rp2 billion peace offer from Bali Towerindo.
"I want (Bali Tower) to be responsible for my child's accident. Don't take responsibility by giving 2 billion directly. At least in good faith. Meet immediately apologize. I said he was a coward, because he met using a third party," said Fatih when contacted by VOI, Thursday, August 3.
On that occasion, Fatih assessed that if the company suddenly gave Rp2 billion in money, it would be too big if there was no data. Fatih wants to meet, then talk about data and facts.
"Come head to head of data and facts, supported by medical Fatmawati Hospital, supported by doctor statements, experts. If it's a fact talk, my child can't talk, eat and others," he said.
"If you give big money, I'm sorry that Bali Tower gave 2 billion money. It turns out that the expert's opinion is only 500 million. Yes, I'm sincere, but if it's 10 billion, yes, Bali tower must give it," he continued.
Previously, it was reported that PT Bali Tower's attorney, Maqdir Ismail, admitted that his party offered compensation costs of Rp. 2 billion for his fiber optic cable accident that ensnared Sultan Rif'at Alfatih's neck on Jalan Pangeran Antasari, South Jakarta.
Prior to the offer, Maqdir said the family asked for a compensation fee of IDR 5 billion. Bali Tower refused and offered a compensation fee for treatment of IDR 2 billion.
However, in a follow-up meeting, the Sultan's family stated that they did not agree with the nominal offered by Bali Tower and asked for compensation to Rp10 billion. Maqdir said the family wanted his client's company to be responsible until the Sultan recovered.
"In the next discussion, offered or asked for again verbally. They asked not only for Rp. 5 billion more, but had increased by Rp. 10 billion. In fact, it was said that they wanted to be financed until it completely recovered.
"They said, this can only be cured in Paris," Maqdir said at a press conference in Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 3.
Maqdir then explained the reason why Bali Tower only offered compensation costs of Rp. 2 billion. He said, evidence of receipts for the post-accident Sultan's treatment payment since last January was not enough to adjust the amount of compensation to the value the family wanted.
"If you say there is a fee coming out, what is the evidence and expenditure plan? Because this is a company that must be accounted for by the stock. They asked Bali Tower for treatment. However, please give us the medical expenses to prove the expenditure," he said.
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