CIREBON Will be a presidential candidate in 2024 from PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo is believed to be able to realize Indonesia's ideals of becoming a developed country by 2045.
This was conveyed by the caretaker of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School in Cirebon, KH Adib Rofiudin Izza when giving a speech to Haul Almarhumin, an elder and resident of the Buntet 2023 Cirebon Islamic Boarding School, Tuesday night. Ganjar was present at the event as a speaker for the national seminar which became a series of events.
"Why did we invite Pak Ganjar Pranowo, because we believe that the one who will advance Indonesia is Pak Ganjar. Now Indonesia has not become a Golden Indonesia. What makes Indonesia Gold, Mr. Ganjar," said KH Adib to the applause of thousands of kiai and students present at the event.
Kiai Adib also invited all Cirebon kiai and santri to pray that all the events Ganjar wanted could be realized. Including praying for Ganjar to lead Indonesia in 2024.
"I ask for a fatihah gift for Mr. Ganjar. May he be trustworthy, successful, blessed and the results of his intentions. Alfatihah," said Kyai Adib and thousands of kyai and the students praying together.
The Haul Buntet Pesantren event was attended by a number of large kiai in Cirebon and West Java. Among them are the Caretaker of Buntet Pesantren, KH Adib Rofiudin Izza, Chairman of the Buntet Pesantren Foundation, KH Salman Alfarisi, KH Tajudin Zein, KH Subkhi Mutaad, KH Aris Sukimullah, KH Wawan Arwani and other ranks of great scholars.
During the event, Ganjar was asked to be a speaker with the theme of character education to go to Indonesia Gold 2045. In his presentation, Ganjar said that the advancement of information technology is indeed important to be strengthened to welcome Indonesia Gold 2045.
However, Ganjar also reminded the importance of character education and integrity. These two things are also the most important thing, to realize Indonesia Gold 2045.
"Towards the future is not only enough to prepare our generation with technology. But, the most important thing is character education," said Ganjar.
The main character education is integrity. If until 2045, Indonesia is not free from corruption because of its low integrity, then the goal of becoming a developed country will be difficult to achieve.
"The current integrity is very important for us to realize. Without it, it is impossible for us to become a developed country," he explained.
In addition to integrity, the education of other characters that must be prepared for the younger generation in the future is a matter of character. Developed nations, always prioritize manners, respect others and prioritize ethics.
"Santri must already have it. As long as they are calm, they get good religious knowledge and character. After that they are owned, then we welcome technological advances. Santri also needs to master this, so they don't miss it," he concluded.
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