BENGKULU - TNI personnel from Kodim 0409/Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, brought order to 20 units of coal transportation vehicles that violated the rules for crossing the Curup City inner lane right in front of the headquarters of Kodim 0409/Rejang Lebong.
The commander of Kodim (Dandim) 0409/Rejang Lebong Lt. Col. Inf. Moch Renaldy Herbowo said the action taken by his party was to assist local governments in controlling large-tonage vehicles crossing the streets of Rejang Lebong Regency.
"The roads that are passed are used for gaps or negligence at night and so on, they use the city center route which is a traffic orderly route," he explained accompanied by the Head of the Rejang Lebong Regency Transportation Service, Rachman Yuzir, at the Rejang Lebong Makodim, Antara, Thursday, July 27.
This vehicle loaded with goods is in accordance with the Regional Regulation of the Traffic Ordered Area (KTL) of the Rejang Lebong Regency Government cannot enter the city and must pass on the national road of the Embacang intersection.
"So last night we coordinated with other parties and starting at 12 pm the control was carried out, because it has become a habit after 12 pm many vehicles immediately cut lanes in the city. The rules do not see time," he said.
To the drivers of coal transportation who brought transportation from Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province to Bai Bengkulu Island Port, he admitted that he did not prevent them from looking for sustenance. However, it must follow the government regulations that have been set.
Furthermore, after being given a briefing, 20 medium to large size coal trucks that were detained on the side of the road in front of Makodim 0409/Rejang Lebong to Jalan Kartini Curup were allowed to continue their journey again at 18.00 WIB.
Head of the Rejang Lebong Transportation Agency, Rachman Yuzir, explained that his party will not be selective in controlling cargo vehicles that enter the city, because the middle lane in the city starts from Simpang Nangka to the border gate of Tempel Rejo Village, South Curup District is a Traffic Ordered Area (KTL).
"All goods transport vehicles are not allowed to enter the city except for those that unload, in the KTL Regional Regulation it is only allowed limited to loading and unloading and for signs that already exist," he explained.
Based on information from a number of coal transport drivers to his party, said Rachman, they reasoned that the incline on the national road at Simpang Embacang was too high so they entered the city, in the case that their vehicle did not overtone the incline could be passed by all vehicles.
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