JAKARTA - The disclosure of the case of the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) and the illegal sale of kidneys by the Cambodian network by the joint team of Bareskrim and Polda Metro Jaya received appreciation from the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW).

"Especially for Polda Metro Jaya, Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) appreciates the disclosures made by Polda Metro Jaya, in this case by Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Karyoto and Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki because the disclosure can disentangle up to 3 layers (layers of the TPPO syndicate)," said Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, July 25.

International Layer 

The three layers referred to by IPW are the international layer, the intermediary, then the receiving party (the victims). In fact, Polda Metro Jaya was able to uncover the existence of police officers and civil servants involved in the case of selling international kidney kidneys. "IPW hopes that this disclosure will not stop at this case," he said.

Ketua Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso. ANTARA/HO-
Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso. ANTARA/HO

This is because the crime of trafficking in persons has become a law enforcement program launched by the government, the National Police Chief and several related institutions. "I see that with the promulgation of the eradication of the criminal act of trafficking in persons, a lot of disclosures have been made. If I look at the Kapolda Inspector General Karyoto, this is a professional," he said.

The disclosure of the TIP case is rife throughout Indonesia because it is indeed a program of the central government. "So this disclosure is actually an ordinary disclosure, but it needs to be appreciated because it can reveal 3 layers (layers of the TIP syndicate)," he explained.

IPW hopes that Inspector General Karyoto, as the former KPK Enforcement Deputy, can improve the performance of Polda Metro Jaya.

"One thing that needs to be appreciated is when Mr. Inspector General Karyoto gathered investigators within Polda Metro Jaya and Polres Polres in the Jakarta area to be given directions on carrying out their duties professionally and fairly. This is an IPW record that a Kapolda gave attention to complaints society regarding law enforcement. With an order to be professional and fair, this is appropriate," he said.

Sugeng explained that professional means that these investigators must have expertise and also adhere to a code of ethics of justice, legal standards, especially respect for human rights, must be prioritized so that excess abuse of power does not occur.

"Justice must also pay attention to the balance between the rights of the victim and the alleged perpetrator or suspect. This is what is very important to put forward," he said.

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