NAGAN RAYA - About 43 hectares of rain fields in Kuala District, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh, have so far experienced drought due to the dry season that has hit the area since the last few months.
"The impact of drought that occurs causes farmers to not be able to plant rice," said Head of the Agriculture and Livestock Service of Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh, drh Safridhal, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 21.
He detailed that the area of rice fields experiencing drought is scattered in Kuta Makmue Village with a dry rice field area of around 35 Ha, and in Gunong Reubo Village with an area of 8 Ha.
Safridhal said that due to the drought that occurred, hundreds of farmers in the two villages in Kuala District, Nagan Raya Regency, could not grow rice because there was no water source to irrigate the flow of rice fields.
With the absence of water sources, it is certain that the farmers' rice fields in the area will fail to grow in the gadu season in 2023.
Safridhal said the Nagan Raya Regency Government had actually tried to overcome drought in the 43 Ha rice fields of farmers in Kuta Makmue and Gunong Reubo villages by bringing in a water pump machine, to suck up water.
However, these efforts have not been successfully carried out due to technical constraints, so efforts to irrigate water using pumping failed to be implemented.
"We've tried to track the rice fields with pumping, but it doesn't seem like it has worked yet," said Safridhal.
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