JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that about 6.3 hectares of land destroyed in Hulu Sungai Selatan (HSS) Regency, South Kalimantan had been extinguished.

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said the blackout was carried out by the South Hulu Sungai Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Rapid Response Team (TRC).

"Efforts to deal with land fires were carried out by the South Hulu Sungai Regency BPBD Rapid Response Team to the burning location by deploying portable water pump personnel and machines. The current condition of the fire has been successfully extinguished," said Abdul as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18.

Abdul reported the fire that occurred on Monday (17/7), located in West Bajayu Village, West Daha District. BPBD of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency reported that the burning land occurred at 14.55 WITA.

"A total of 6.3 hectares of land were burned. There were no reports of casualties due to the fire," he said.

Then based on the Forest and Land Fire Control Reporting System, Sipongi through the SNPP satellite imagery in the Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency has 15 hot distribution points with a confidence level medium.

From the BMKG website, the potential for forest fires, seen from the level of ease of fire at the top of the ground surface, the Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency area, which is categorized as very flammable, is valid until Wednesday (19/7).

"In order to deal with the disaster of forest and land fires effectively, BNPB urges the regional Karhutla Management Task Force to alert equipment, devices and personnel after the rain in the last two weeks. Rapid handling will reduce the potential for escalation of the impact that may occur," said Abdul.

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