BALI - Gianyar Regent I Made Mahayastra talked about the problem of circumventing regional assets during a meeting with the KPK to increase monitoring and evaluation of corruption eradication.
"'There are several problems such as regional asset certification, last year it was carried out only by the Gianyar Housing and Settlement Area Office, while this year by the Gianyar Inspectorate," said the Gianyar Regent in a press release on Gianyar's Diskominfo, Bali, Antara, Sunday, July 16.
It was also explained that it has been divided into responsibilities for asset ratification in each regional apparatus organization (OPD) and 313 blank certificates have been taken to BPN Gianyar.
The problem, according to him, is tax receivables. In the previous year, tax receivables were quite high because there were several taxpayers, especially land and building taxes (PBB) that had not been verified to the field regarding the existence of land and ownership.
"Because we got the receivables during the UN transition from KPP Pratama to the regional government. This year we will optimize the settlement of the receivable problem," he said.
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a meeting with the Gianyar Regency Government in the Gianyar Regent's Office Session Room.
Head of the V.2 Korsup Task Force V KPK RI Nurul Ichsan Alhuda explained the purpose and purpose of this monitoring and evaluation meeting to monitor and evaluate the progress of asset control follow-up such as certification, dispute resolution, security, tax receivable collection, and local tax optimization.
In addition, the results of MCP (Monitoring Control for Prevention) and SPI (Internal Supervisory Unit) for 2022 as well as the progress of MCP and SPI until the second quarter of 2023.
It was also said that there had been many improvements made by the Gianyar Regency Government.
In carrying out the eradication of corruption, he continued, in addition to taking action on corruption cases that occurred with perpetrators who were state administrations involving state losses, anti-corruption education was also needed.
"Education of corruption against all elements of society, including government officials, students, and students, is to build integrity," he said.
Absorbing public perceptions related to local government, Nurul Ichsan asked the Gianyar Regent and his staff for permission to visit public service facilities in the Gianyar Regency Government.
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