The police arrested a drug dealer with the initials ATP alias Peot who had been supplying methamphetamine to RS (20), the daughter of a Cianjur Regency Government official.

Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan said the arrest of ATP was a development of the arrest of the hospital during a drug party.

"Our officers distributed and managed to arrest ATP on Sunday (July 9) in the southern region of Cianjur, a number of evidences were successfully secured including evidence of methamphetamine packages and suction devices," said Aszhari in Cianjur, West Java (West Java), Monday, July 10, confiscated by Antara.

His party said that the Cianjur Police Chief was still developing the case to arrest a large dealer who had been supplying methamphetamine to Cianjur, a number of names and identities had been pocketed by his party and were still being chased by officers.

Aszhari admitted that the hospital, which is a master's student majoring in medicine, was not detained. He argued, because in this case the son of the Cianjur Regency Government official only acts as a user.

Dia menambahkan, RS akan menjalani rehabilitasi untuk menyembuhkan ketergantungan dari sabu sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan terhadap pengguna.

"The hospital will be rehabilitated at the rehabilitation center, it is still close to Cianjur, depending on the request but we provide a reference to the Sekar Mawar Lembang Drug Rehabilitation Center, West Bandung Regency," he said.

Furthermore, Aszhari said that the Cianjur Police had arrested five narcotics dealers over the past six months.

From the arrests of the suspects, 16.61 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 30.35 grams of marijuana, 5,000 rounds of hard drugs and 3,500 bottles of thramadol were secured.

"For marijuana-type drug dealers, they are charged with Article 32 paragraph 1 junto 111 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2009, with a minimum threat of 5 years in prison and a maximum of 12 years in prison and shabu dealers with the same threat," he concluded.

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