The TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono together with the Commander of the Australian Armed Forces General Angus Campbell, AO, DSC chaired the 11th Australian-Indonesian High Level Committee (AUSINDO HLC) session in 2023, located in the Serasan Hall, Sesko TNI, Bandung, Wednesday 7 July., in his remarks, the TNI Commander conveyed that it is an honor for the Indonesian National Army as the host to receive and welcome the Commander of the Australian Armed Forces and delegates in the City of Kembang. Furthermore, the TNI Commander, AUSINDO HLC, with its military cooperation that has been running for more than a decade has proven to play an important role in responding to the increasing dynamics and geopolitical changes of the region and global, especially towards peace, stability and security in the region. "AUSINDO HLC has provided positive benefits and contributions to the friendship of the two countries. I hope to be able to continue this success and strengthen the commitment of the military cooperation that has been established," said the TNI Commander.

Meanwhile, General Angus Campbell said that the cooperation between the TNI and the Australian Defense Force (ADF) is getting stronger and more complex in various fields, and the 11th AUSINDO HLC Session this year will follow up on a cooperation agreement that has been reached by sub-committees, all of which aim to maintain and enhance a more comprehensive strategic partnership between the TNI and ADF.

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