JAMBI - The Jambi Police's Trafficking Crime Task Force (TPPO) arrested 27 perpetrators of suspected trafficking cases in the area from June 5 to June 25, 2023.

The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Mulia Prianto, said the number of suspects came from 20 cases of trafficking in persons disclosed by the Task Force team.

"From the disclosure, a total of 18 people were victims, consisting of 12 adults and six minors," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

All of the victims of the trafficking of people are women who are exploited as cassava-poor women with the mode through a conversation application.

Most victims are usually exploited and promised money as a service fee for sexual acts.

The results of online prostitution were divided between pimps and victims according to the agreement between them.

Until now, the Jambi Police continue to hunt down perpetrators of trafficking in persons, and will not allow any type of criminal act of trafficking in persons in Jambi.

The Jambi Regional Police ensures that they are ready to take action against every trade in person and disclose every trafficking network of people in their jurisdiction.

Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono said according to the direction of the National Police Chief that the Jambi Police were ready to reveal every TIP network.

He asked members of the Jambi Regional Police to carry out what had been conveyed by the National Police Chief regarding the disclosure of human trafficking.

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