JAKARTA - Researcher of the Indonesian Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) Lucius Karus urged the DKI Jakarta DPRD not only to summon the directors of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PJA) in asking for accountability for a number of projects that were stalled at the BUMD. According to him, a number of names such as Hendra Lie, Fredie Tan to Budi Karya Sumadi must also be called to be clarified.

"The summons of a number of names must actually be carried out because there is the right of inquiry to reveal allegations of project irregularities in Ancol. Because if you talk about allegations of misuse of the BUMD budget or management such as Ancol, then there is no such thing as expiration date. And all related parties without exception must be summoned (Hendra Lie, Fredie Tan and Budi Karya Sumadi)," Lucius told reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, June 22.

According to him, the problem of stalled projects has become homework for DPRD members to solve. He also suspected that if the problem was not resolved, there could be a member suspected of being involved in the project game and being one of the modes of alleged bribery.

"I think there is indeed a burden for DPRD members who may participate in the alleged project game. This is also a mode that usually occurs in many corruption and bribery cases," he said.

Furthermore, Lucius also considered that the role of supervision of the DPRD could also be used to control, as well as ask the person in charge of the stalled project in DKI Jakarta.

"The responsibility can be from the regional government and companies working on projects," he said.

In addition, he said that the DPRD could also use exclusive rights such as inquiry to investigate allegations of irregularities in a number of projects in Ancol.

"In order to explore and at the same time investigate various allegations of irregularities in projects financed by the DKI Regional Budget as happened in Ancol," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDIP faction, Manuara Siahaan, said that his party would summon a number of parties.

"Including Ancol's directors. Regarding a number of related names who are suspected of knowing about the stalled problems of a number of projects in Ancol, they have an urgency to ask for clarification, it could be done," he said.

Regarding the findings of allegations of maladministration and recommendations from the Indonesian Ombudsman which were allegedly ignored in the matter, Manuara did not know about it.

"If there are findings from the Ombudsman that must be followed up by the institution concerned, it must be followed up," he said.

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