Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo welcomed the presence of Japanese Emperor Hironomiya Naruhito and his entourage at Borobudur Temple, Magelang Regency, Thursday, June 22. Ganjar also accompanied the Emperor around enjoying the panorama of the temple of the Syailendra Dynasty. Kaisar Hironomiya Naruhito arrived in the courtyard of Borobudur Temple at around 08.15 WIB. After listening to an explanation regarding the temple history of a tour named Mura, Emperor and Ganjar walked towards the temple.About 50 minutes, the group of guests and hosts toured to enjoy the splendor of the 8th century temple. From its uniqueness, philosophy, to its technology.Ganjar Pranowo said, Emperor Hironomiya Naruhito was very happy to visit Borobudur Temple. It was inseparable from the explanation of the tour guide in detail related to the temple. "Earnor Naruhito together with me accompanied Emperor Naruhito to listen to an explanation from Mr. Mura (tour guide) once," he said. The mild and entertaining explanation was able to make the Emperor even more amazed by the molecularity of Borobudur Temple. "And I saw the Emperor very happy, impressively saw and followed him very happily," he explained. On that occasion, the Governor of white hair admitted that he had had had a chance to talk many things with the Emperor. According to him, Emperor Naruhito's visit became a symbol of good relationship between Indonesia and Japan. "This is very interesting because the visit to Indonesia was the first and for 7 days. It seems unprecedented. In my opinion, the familiarity sign of the two Indonesian and Japanese countries is so important utilizing this collaboration and yields more important, whether diplomatic, political, economic, so that he could take advantage of this good relationship," he said.
While accompanying him, Ganjar often saw the expression of the Emperor's admiration for Borobudur Temple. "There are so many philosophical impressions, the technology seems, the narration story seems, there are many expressions wow..," he said.
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