Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Indonesian House of Representatives Chair Puan Maharani showed unity in supporting the polio dose 2 immunization movement (IPV2) promoted by Health Minister Budi Gunadi in Central Java. On Wednesday (21/6/2023), they attended the IPV2 introduction expansion declaration in Klaten Regency.
Ganjar Pranowo expressed his commitment to providing optimal health protection to children, by increasing the implementation of polio immunization.
"This has been announced, so our task from all regional heads is to immediately complete this vaccination," said Ganjar.
Data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) shows that the achievement of polio immunization in Central Java Province in the January-May 2023 period reached 24.5 percent or 119,400 children. Even though there has been an increase, Ganjar hopes that this figure can be higher.
The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, emphasized the importance of collaboration and participation from all parties for the success of the polio immunization movement.
"It is necessary to work together from all regional heads, forkopimda, and the community. So that Indonesian children can grow up to be healthy and strong children. Starting today, this immunization is carried out nationally. Other provinces can follow Central Java's steps," explained Puan.
Minister of Health Budi Gunadi explained that Central Java was the first province to carry out this movement because of the high support from Ganjar Pranowo and the spirit of the Klaten Regent.
"This immunization consists of 6 doses, namely 4 drops in the months one, two, three, and four, and 2 injections in the months four and nine," he added.
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