JAKARTA - Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the difference in the views of the factions in Commission IX of the DPR RI regarding the Health Bill was the duty of the government to explain as well as listen to it. The statement was conveyed by the Minister of Health Budi in response to the rejection of the Health Bill's ratification by two of the nine factions in Commission IX of the DPR RI, namely Democrats and PKS during the agenda of the Working Meeting of Health Bill at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta. "It is usual in the realm of democracy, we must learn, it is impossible for all the decisions of the Indonesian nation and society," said Budi, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 19 June. For those whose factions reject, said Budi, it is his duty and obligation to explain, regarding aspirations that may not be clear and must be conveyed. Budi said that the purpose of the Health Bill is not only for a handful of factions in the DPR RI that accept it, but for all Indonesian people. Previously, in the Mini-Faction Final Opinence agenda at the Commission IX Working Meeting, the Democratic Faction conveyed rejection of the ratification of the Health Bill. "In the discussion of the Health Bill, there are a number of fundamental issues. Democrats propose an increase in the health budget outside of salary and Infection Prevention and Control Program (PPI). But it is not approved, the government instead chooses mandatory spending is removed," said Member of the Democratic Faction Aliyah Mustika Ilham. Mandatory spending is a expenditure or expenditure of the state that has been regulated by law. The goal is to reduce the problem of social inequality and regional economy. The reduction of the health budget is at least 10 percent in the Health Bill both at the central and regional levels listed in Article 420 paragraph 2 and 3 of the Health Bill. In addition, the Democratic Faction assesses that the provisions for foreign doctors practices in Indonesia should follow the rules that apply in the country. Hopefully, medical personnel in Indonesia get equal opportunities. Democrats support the presence of foreign doctors, but still put forward that all Indonesian or foreign doctors are given a feasible recognition and equal opportunities in developing careers.
"Foreign doctors must obey and obey the applicable rules," he said. The PKS faction represented by Netty Prasetiyani expressed rejection of the Health Bill because the discussion process was relatively fast. "Do not let the newly enacted law (UU) be tested to the Constitutional Court or cause polemics such as the Job Creation Law. Discussion of the Health Bill is relatively fast, it takes longer to be deep and rich in input," he said.
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