NTT - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded 100 earthquakes rocked Sumba Island and its surroundings in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) in a week or during the period 9-15 June 2023.

"The number of earthquakes that occurred in Sumba and its surroundings in the past week was 100 events dominated by a magnitude of 3," said Head of BMKG Class III Geophysics Station, East Sumba, Kustoro Hariyatmoko in his statement, Friday, June 16.

He explained that the highest number of earthquake events had the magnitude (M) 3 as many as 87 incidents, with a magnitude of 3-5 with 13 incidents.

Based on the depth, he said, the epicenter was more than 60 kilometers (km) as many as 81 incidents, between 60-300 km 17 incidents, and more than 300 km as many as two incidents.

Furthermore, Kustoro reminded the public on Sumba Island and its surroundings to remain alert to the potential threat of earthquakes that can occur at any time.

Sumba Island is an area that is often rocked by earthquakes because it is on the boundary of two tectonic plates, namely the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

Even on August 19, 1977, he said, the southern part of Sumba Island was hit by a tsunami wave triggered by an earthquake with a magnitude 7.

Kustoro said anticipatory efforts such as strengthening houses or other facilities must continue to be considered to minimize the impact of losses in the event of an earthquake with great strength.

He also appealed to residents to continue to follow the development of information from the BMKG as a trusted source so that it is not easily influenced by earthquake or tsunami information from other irresponsible sources, such as those that often appear on social media.

"Until now, there is no tool that can predict the occurrence of earthquakes accurately when, where, and how strong it is, and the BMKG has never issued information on earthquake predictions," said Kustoro.

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