JAKARTA - A clean energy company based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), named Masdar, expressed interest in exploring investment in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), after visiting the IKN development area.
"Alhamdulillah, we received a LoI (letter of intent) from Masdar, one of the companies engaged in renewable energy," said the Director of Funding, Deputy for Funding and Investment at the IKN Insyafiah Authority as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.
Masdar is a company focused on developing, investing and operating renewable energy projects. They develop future energy technologies such as solar energy, wind energy, water energy, and lmbang energy to generate clean and sustainable energy.
This is in accordance with IKN's vision to develop sustainable cities in the world through the management of clean resources, to realize the net zero emission target at IKN by 2045.
During the visit, the Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN), together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) and the Ministry of Investment/BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board), accompanied representatives from several businessmen from the United Arab Emirates.
The visit began with the Sepaku Semoi Dam to see a dam that would support the need for raw water and flood control at IKN.
The dam is the basic infrastructure built at the earliest to supply raw water needs of 2,500 liters per second. Construction progress has now reached 91 percent and will soon be inaugurated this year.
Then, the group headed to Nusantara Zero Point, West National Advertisement, and the State Palace Building building project and the ceremonial field.
"We were impressed after seeing the progress of development which was quite massive in the field," said Masdar Director of Development Dony Suryaman.
Dony also revealed that he was interested in continuing LoI which had been submitted to the next stage.
"As a form of Masdar's commitment to developing clean energy in Indonesia, Masdar is interested in contributing to the development of clean energy at IKN in a business scheme that is mutually beneficial for both parties," said Dony.
Masdar has big ambitions in developing renewable energy. By 2030 Masdar targets to have a 100 GW RE Portfolio in Indonesia.
Masdar has invested in Citata 145 ME FPV project, Pertamina Geothermal Energi for the development of Geothermal and Masdar Mitra Solar Radiance for the development of RE in the C&I market.
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