BABEL - PT Batam International Airport (BIB) Hang Nadim investigated the case of airline passengers passing by flying from Hang Nadim Airport carrying 158.17 grams of methamphetamine.

The President Director of Hang Nadim Airport, Pikri Ilham Kurnitsyah, said the investigation was carried out after knowing the passenger mode, which turned out to be the methamphetamine courier, tricked the officers at Hang Nadim Airport.

"Currently we are conducting an in-depth investigation regarding the mode used by the perpetrators," said Pikri when contacted, Monday, June 12.

Pikri claimed that so far the inspection at Hang Nadim Airport on airplane passengers was in accordance with procedures and with strict inspections.

"Because ticket and identity checks were carried out three times before boarding the plane. The first was during 'check', then at'security check point' 2 and the last one was during 'boarding'," he said, quoted by Antara.

Previously, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Bangka Belitung Islands Province arrested TC, a Batam-Babel network methamphetamine courier at Depati Amir Pangkalpinang Airport, Bangka Belitung (Babel), on Saturday, June 10.

"The narcotics were brought by the suspect from Batam to Bangka Belitung via two air routes using private airline transportation," said Head of BNN Babel, Brigadier General Pol MZ Muttaqien, Sunday, June 11.

Muttaqien explained that the suspect TC started his journey from Hang Nadim Batam Airport to Jakarta using one of the airlines.

The suspect TC, he said, tricked the officers into using a different identity between the ticket and the identity card (KTP) at Hang Nadim Airport.

After arriving in Jakarta, the suspect TC again ordered a plane ticket with a different airline to continue his journey to Pangkalpinang.

"The perpetrator tried to trick the officers by falsifying their identity and carrying methamphetamine by dividing it into three packs wrapped in slippery plastic into the rectum," he said.

According to him, during the arrest, the suspect TC tried to fight back.

Officers who searched the suspect then found three packs of methamphetamine weighing approximately 158.17 grams in his bag.

"Currently, the perpetrator and evidence of methamphetamine weighing approximately 158.17 grams have been secured for further development and investigation," he said.

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