The West Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) suspended the detention of two Andalas University (Unand) students who were suspects in cases of sexual harassment, shooting, and pornographic photos of dozens of students on campus.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police (West Sumatra) Kombes Pol Dwi Sulistyawan admitted that the detention of two Andalas University (Unand) students suspected of sexual harassment cases was suspended.
According to him, the suspension of detention of the two suspects is under the authority of the investigator.
"The reason for the suspension of detention from the juridical aspect of this case came in. In addition, both of them are cooperative and can come at any time needed," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 29.
Meanwhile, from the medical aspect, the two suspects were under stress and trauma that they feared they were doing unwanted things.
"However, the suspension of detention is under strict supervision from the police," he said.
He added that the suspension of detention was imposed approximately a week ago.
"Currently, it has been rushed for examination and has been transferred to the prosecutor's office. We are waiting for the direction and P-21," he said.
He explained that the files of the two suspects were in stage 1, meaning that the filing had been completed and submitted to the prosecutor's office.
"The prosecutor's office only needs to examine and correct whether there are elements or information or evidence that need to be added, after that it is completed and we are waiting for P-21," he said.
Previously, the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the West Sumatra Police detained a couple with the initials H and N who are students of Andalas University (Unand) related to cases of sexual harassment.
Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Andry Kurniawan, said that before being detained the two perpetrators had undergone an examination for seven hours and were detained.
"He has been detained after being investigated as a suspect," he said.
He said that the suspect N was detained in a special detention center for women at the East Padang Police, while H was detained at the West Sumatra Police Headquarters Detention Center.
"Meanwhile, the two suspects are cooperative because we have obtained evidence," he said.
Kombes Pol Andry said the investigators considered suspending the detention of the two suspects based on two elements, including to facilitate further investigations.
According to him, from the objective element, the article is suspected of being threatened for more than five years. Second, subjective elements.
"In addition, it is feared that the person concerned will run away, destroy evidence, and repeat the act again," he said.
The Task Force (Task Force) for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) of Andalas Padang University, West Sumatra, said two students of the Faculty of Medicine Unand suspected of sexually harassing their friends had been examined and admitted their actions.
"The Unand PPKS Task Force has examined the alleged perpetrator and victim. The perpetrator has admitted his actions," said Head of the PPKS Task Force Unand Rika Susanti.
According to him, the report on the occurrence of sexual harassment was submitted to the Unand PPKS Task Force from one of the victims on December 23, 2022.
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