JAKARTA - Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) agreed to encourage a just economy in Indonesia in the friendly agenda between the two Islamic community organizations. "We (Muhammadiyah and NU) agreed to continue to encourage this country in realizing a just economy in Indonesia," said Muhammadiyah Chairman Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir when visiting the PBNU Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday, May 25, was confiscated by Antara. Haedar said Muhammadiyah and NU would focus on efforts to improve an equitable economy in Indonesia so that they could empower, empower, promote, and prosper the people. Even though the poverty ratio rate in Indonesia is starting to improve, he said, efforts to improve a just economy in Indonesia must still be considered because the poverty rate is still high. "That is also what needs to be a concern for future political contestation so that it is not just a matter of power sharing," said Haedar Nashir. PBNU Chairman Yahya Cholil Staquf also encourages the development of a just economy in Indonesia with efforts to form an economic strategy together with related parties.
According to him, there needs to be a development of moral leadership in politics in order to succeed in establishing a just economy in Indonesia. "This is important, so that everything is not only known to pragmatic interests," said the kiai who received the Honoris Causa Doctorate (HC) from UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. On this occasion, he also thanked the Muhammadiyah PP group who had visited the PBNU Head Office to stay in touch as well as have a dialogue about nationality.
"Hopefully in the future there will be many more things that will become a very fertile field of wisdom for NU and Muhammadiyah to work together," he concluded.
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