NTB - Police mapped the route ahead of the International bicycle racing event or L'etape By Tour de France 2023 at the Mandalika Circuit, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Mapping this route is in preparation for securing the event which will be held on May 28, 2023," said Head of Ops for the Central Lombok Police AKP Hery Indrayanto in Praya, NTB, Thursday, May 25, confiscated by Antara.

He said this mapping activity was to strengthen the preparation for securing the route that would be traversed by participants of international cycling competitions.

The check of the route starts with the Mandalika-West Priya Circuit-West Square-Joggat-Praya-Praya Tengah-Praya Timur Circuit and finishes at the Mandalika Circuit.

"The security of the bicycle racing route is ready to be implemented," he said.

Hery said that the mapping of the L'Etape Mandalika route was to maximize security on every route that would be passed by racers.

"We together with Karo Ops Polda NTB and the organizing committee checked from start to finish to ensure the route to be used," he said.

As for L's activities, Etape has 3 routes to be competed, namely the Long Route (street byster 141 kilometer) star from the Red Gate of the Mandalika circuit, Kuta Mandalika, Pujut, West Praya, Southwest Praya, Jonggat (Central Lombok Regent's Office) Praya, Kopang, Janepria, Mujur Praya Timur, Praya Tengah, Bypass Mandalika and finish at the Green Gate of the Mandalika Circuit.

Then the Short Distance Route (79 kilometers) stars start from the Red Gate of the Mandalika Circuit, Kuta Mandalika, Pujut, Praya-Praya Tengah (crossing 4 Stones) Bypass Mandalika-finis Green Gate Mandalika Circuit.

The Non Road Bike (48 kilometers) Star route starts with the Red Gate of the Mandalika-Pujut Circuit (Bulog Sengkol Block) Bypass Mandalika-Finis Green Gate Mandalika Circuit

"I hope that all people of Central Lombok Regency can support and succeed in these activities and urge all people to reduce their activities during these activities," he said.

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