Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo checked the progress of the Semarang-Demak toll road construction section 1, Wednesday, May 16. The check was carried out after Ganjar received a lot of input and complaints regarding tidal flooding in the Sayung-Demak area, causing traffic jams.

Ganjar was accompanied by the Head of BBWS Pemali Juana, the Head of BBPJN Region VII, and the Semarang-Demak toll road project manager section 1. A number of holders in the Demak area were also present at the location.

Ganjar Pranowo said that a more comprehensive explanation must be conveyed to the public. Thus, people affected by the tidal wave, or congestion, can understand the cause.

"Well what the government is doing, actually some others are making this sea embankment work. And these are the packages that are done by friends," he said.

The two-term Central Java Governor explained that the Semarang-Demak section 1 toll road is divided into three packages. Package 1A is currently being worked on, then package 1B for sea embankment, and package 1C is a retention pond work package.


"Well, this retention pond will be taken up to 4 meters lower, then the deposit will be dumped here (around Sriwulan Village), if it is dumped here, it will dry later," he said.

Sriwulan Village is a village that Ganjar had visited before seeing the progress of the toll road which was built with a budget of up to Rp. 10.9 trillion. Currently, there are 198 families who still live in severe tidally submerged conditions.

Ganjar Pranowo hopes that the Semarang-Demak toll road project section 1 package C can be worked on immediately. However, Ganjar also needs support from the community around the area.

Ganjar said the government had prepared a budget of around Rp. 1 trillion to replace the destroyed land which had now been adjusted to the appraisal.

"But we need communication with the community so that please help it be easier. This is for good, so that those in Sriwulan in this area (around package 1C) if those who feel they have land rights here can help accelerate their negotiations can also be easy. God willing, it will not harm them, so for the common interest, this is a bigger benefit, this is what we convey from what is there," he explained.

In line with the tidal problem, Ganjar also noticed the congestion that arose due to road repairs around Kaligawe caused by flooding. Ganjar hopes that the public can understand and be patient with the existing conditions.

"Today I came to explain, it takes patience. Well, we are trying to arrange traffic management so that there is a way that users understand this is the time for us to rob, we move aside until this is finished. So we ask for patience from the community, while we arrange roads so that it can be an alternative way, "said Ganjar Pranowo.

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