KARAWANG - Two state civil servants who serve as heads of offices within the Karawang Regency Government, West Java, have proposed an early retirement because they will run as candidates for legislative members (bacaleg) in the 2024 General Election.

"We are processing the decree on the dismissal of advanced civil servants as legislators," said Head of the Karawang Personnel and Human Resources Empowerment Agency (BKPSDM) Performance and Discipline Assessment Head, Gery Sigit Samrodi, Antara, Sunday, May 14.

The two ASNs who served as heads of these offices were Dedi Achdiat (Head of the Karawang PUPR Service) and Asep Junaedi (Head of the Karawang Youth and Sports Education Office), respectively.

He said that the ASN who advanced as a baulaleg and had submitted the resignation was echelon IV A ASN. It is estimated that their dismissal decree will be issued on July 1, 2023.

In addition to the two heads of offices, there is also one other echelon IV A ASN within the Karawang Regency Government who will advance as a leg in the 2024 General Election.

This ASN is Nandang Mulyana, Head of the Trial Division at the DPRD Secretariat who is also the Chair of PGRI Karawang.

Nandang stepped forward as a leg in the 2024 General Election through the Gerindra Party.

Meanwhile, Dedi Achdiat through PPP and Asep Junaedi advanced balaleg through the NasDem Party.

The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Karawang is ready to follow up on input/response to the community regarding prospective legislative members with TNI/Polri status, ASN, village heads, and village officials.

"At the balaleg registration stage, we are ready to receive input/response to the community, of course we will follow up," said the Karawang Bawaslu Commission Engkus Kusnadi.

He said that his party would highlight the possibility of balaleg from elements of the TNI/Polri, ASN, village heads, and village officials as well as other professions as stipulated in KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2023 concerning Candidacy for Members of the DPR, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD.

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