JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin requested that the revision of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army (TNI) not injure the spirit of reform.
"There is a suggestion that active officers can (place civilian positions), so try to discuss it, of course, don't injure the spirit of reform," said Vice President Ma'ruf in Ternate, North Maluku, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 12.
"The spirit of reform first eliminates dyfunction, that spirit is what should not be harmed. As long as it can mean that you can't go back in that direction, I think please discuss it," continued Vice President Ma'ruf.
Currently, the TNI Legal Development Agency is working on a draft proposal to amend the TNI Law, including the addition of ministry/institutional posts that can be filled by TNI soldiers.
In Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, there are 10 positions in ministries/agencies that can be filled by TNI soldiers, while in the proposal that is still being discussed by the internal Babinkum there are 18 ministries/agencies.
The additional eight ministries/agencies include the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the National Counterterrorism Agency, Presidential Staff, the National Disaster Management Agency, the National Border Management Agency, the Marine Security Agency, and the Attorney General's Office.
Meanwhile, the current law only allows active TNI soldiers to occupy positions in ministries/agencies in charge of Coordinator for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, State Defense, Presidential Military Secretary, State Intelligence, State Passwords, National Defense Institutions, National Defense Council, Search and Rescue (SAR) National, National Narkotics Agency, and Supreme Court.
Several other points of change also include the extension of the TNI's retirement age. In Law Number 34 of 2004 regulates the retirement age of officers up to 58 years old, while for non-commissioned and non-commissioned officers 53 years old.
The proposed changes that are still being discussed want the retirement age of all 58-year-olds and can be extended to 60 years for those with special abilities and competencies.
However, the discussion is still within the Indonesian National Armed Forces Babinkum and has not yet been completed. The TNI has not issued an official stance regarding the proposed amendment to the TNI Law.
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