BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java Regional Police together with the local government are considering temporarily stopping the one-way system (SSA) in the city center during the revitalization of the Otista Bridge. Head of Bogor City Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Galih Apria, said that the consideration for evaluating the one-way system (SSA) by temporarily stopping and re-imposing two directions in the city center was input from the community because they found it difficult to access the road to their destination. "Well, we also receive input from the public, there are no more SSAs, only two directions and so on," he said when confirmed by ANTARA, Sunday, May 7. The Bogor City Police carried out traffic engineering while still implementing a one-way system from Jalan Ir H Djuanda to Jalan Sempur because there were no traffic light supporters at several points. "For example, on Jalan Captain Muslihat (direction to Bogor Station) to the right there is no (traffic light). The BTM Mal (Jalan Ir H Djuanda) does not have a network. So yesterday we conducted an evaluation, so hopefully, later our leadership will convey both from the Chief of Police and the mayor," he explained. Galih said that the police together with the Bogor City Government had held an evaluation meeting which might be implemented in the near future. Some of the needs in making the SSA line back into two directions as before are traffic lights, such as Denpom III/1 Bogor intersections from Jalan Sudirman to Jalan Sempur and Jalan Simpang Captain Muslihat direction Bogor Station. Related parties, said Galih, have agreed to procure traffic lights at the intersection point. "Later on Monday we will conduct a massive evaluation. It could be that input from the community for Harupat into two directions could be realized," he said. However, continued Kompol Galih, he stated that within a few days the implementation of traffic engineering had ensured that traffic engineering after the revitalization of the Otista Bridge had been running quite well. When the last density appears on the Bismo application and CCTV counters, the Bogor Police Satantas immediately unravels it with the required flow diversion scheme. The Bogor City Government (Pemkot) revitalizes the Otista Bridge which is on the main route in the city center, as well as previously one of the access groups of President Jokowi's VVIP entourage to depart and return to the Bogor Palace. The revitalization budget reached IDR 101 billion from the assistance of West Java Province. IDR 52 billion for land acquisition that was carried out several years ago and IDR 49 billion for the cost of rebuilding. For a long time, the Bogor City Government together with the Bogor City Police have implemented a one-way system (SSA) along the intersection of Jalan Pajajaran Tugu Kujang to Jalan Otista, Jalan Ir H Djuanda, Jalan Sempur to return to Tugu Kujang.
Along the route are Tugu Kujang as icons of Bogor City, Pasar Bogor, Plaza Bogor, Bogor Botanical Gardens, Suryakencana culinary center, BTM Mall, Bogor City Hall, Dempom, Bogor Palace, Lippo Plaza Keboen Raya, Baranangsiang IPB Campus and Botani Square Mall.

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