TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) noted that there were 1,800 cases of illegal human trafficking crimes (TPPO) for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from 2020 to 2023. It is known, 1,000 of them left for Cambodia.
"From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have recorded more than 1,800 cases related to online scamming since 2020 in various countries. (At most) Cambodia, around 1,000 out of 1,800 are already above 50 percent," said the Young Diplomat of the Directorate of Protection of Indonesian Citizens at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rina Komaria to reporters at the Soekarno Hatta Airport Police, Friday, May 5.
Rina also mentioned that those who were victims of trade on average worked as operators of online gambling.
"It's all online gambling jobs on average, online scammers (one who commits fraud via the internet by taking advantage of the trust of potential victims)," he said.
Therefore, Rina asked related agencies to educate the public not to be complacent about fraud with job vacancies circulating on social media by promising to work as operators of online games, customer services, marketing, and others to conflicting countries.
"So we are very careful in applying for jobs through job vacancies that are not clear, cross-check the validity first. Because in our notes, Indonesian citizens in this sector are increasingly spreading, which was previously only recorded in the Philippines and Cambodia, now it is in Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, and even the UAE (Union of the Arab Emirates)," he concluded.
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