Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the Money Laundering Crime Task Force (TPPU Task Force) to trace odd transactions worth IDR 349 trillion at the Ministry of Finance is ready to work on carrying out its duties and provide the best.
"Today the meeting is only to ensure that one, we have a commitment to provide the best for the country, for governance, especially in the field of financial management and eradicating corruption," said Mahfud MD as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 5.
Mahfud hopes that the TPPU Task Force can productively investigate the alleged money laundering offense case at the Ministry of Finance worth Rp. 349 trillion.
"From now on, we will immediately sort out cases, which ones will take precedence, then who is this for and how; so that later everything will hopefully be very productive until the end of 2023. At least later we from experts will sort out findings and documentation for policy formulation and technical-technical proposals and a more appropriate mechanism from the cases being handled," Mahfud explained.
Mahfud MD said the meeting on Friday morning was attended by all names included in the TPPU Task Force, both physically and virtually.
"All the names listed in the decision of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs were all present today, some were present virtually because the invitation was only sent yesterday afternoon," he added.
Previously, the government had officially formed a task force to supervise the handling and settlement of alleged money laundering offenses in odd transactions worth IDR 349 trillion at the Ministry of Finance.
The formation of the task force is in accordance with the results of a meeting of the National Coordination Committee for Prevention and Eradication of TPPU on April 10, 2023, which was then submitted to the DPR through a hearing at Commission III of the DPR the following day.
"So, I say that today, the Government has formed the task force in question," said Mahfud.
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