BandAR LAMPUNG - Provincial Government (Pemprov) Lampung said there would be an audit of road quality if there was a discrepancy in its implementation was found. "If the road is analogized like a lifeblood, if here there are production centers, markets, and economic centers of course there must be a way to connect. We understand this so that improvements will continue to be made," said Lampung Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Darminto, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 4. He said that in the implementation of road repairs in various locations it would be carried out according to the provisions. "Everything will be carried out according to the provisions as well as the standard set. If later there is something that is not in accordance with the provisions, an audit will be carried out to see the quality of the road material," he said. He explained that the implementation of the audit was aimed at ensuring the robustness of the road infrastructure under construction of Lampung Province of a total length of roads under the authority of the province along 1,693,273 kilometers, with 98 roads divided in 16 corridors. Of these numbers for roads with steady conditions there are 76.85 percent and unstable as much as 23.15 percent. With road conditions heavily damaged along 256,471 kilometers, lightly damaged 131,076 kilometers, moderately damaged 468,630 kilometers, and good condition 832,666 kilometers.1 kilometers. It is known that in Lampung Province many road infrastructure is found in poor condition for community mobility support. Like the Central Cross Road there are also a number of damaged points, in Central Lampung Regency there is also damage to the road infrastructure damage. The road damage also occurs in Jalan Pungkur from the direction of Metro City. Furthermore, on Jalan Terus Endro Suratmin, which is one of the main access to Sabah Balu Village, South Lampung Regency where also the location of the groundbreaking of the Sumatra Toll Road is badly damaged. Then on Jalan Jaduti Street, South Lampung

For the Bandarlampung City area, damaged road infrastructure also occurs in one of the alternative tourism routes that are usually used to unravel severe congestion towards marine tourism objects on the border of Bandar Lampung City and Pesawaran Regency, precisely in the Putri Well area, precisely on Jalan Saleh Raja Kusuma Yuda- Jalan Morotai- Zulkarnaen Subing in addition to finding potholes, there is also one road that endangers motorists because they are prone to landslides. Furthermore, the road in front of the exit of the Gunung Batin Toll Road, which will go to Tulang Bawang Regency, the condition of the road is quite damaged with varying diameter holes.

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