The Banda Aceh Police Satreskrim together with the Banda Raya Police are investigating the discovery of the body of a PUPR Ministry Hall official in Aceh Diaz R (52) hanging from his rented house in Banda Aceh.
"The case is being investigated and cannot explain whether the victim committed suicide or not," said Banda Aceh Police Chief Kombes Fahmi Irwan Ramli through the Banda Raya Police Chief AKP Abdul Halim as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.
Previously, the Head of the Aceh Province Housing Provision Work Unit (Satker) of the Sumatra Housing Provision Center (P2P) I, Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of PUPR Diaz R (52) was found to be hanging in a state of death.
Diaz R was found hanging using a sarong at the back door at the residence of Panglima Nyak Raja Hamlet, Lamlagang Village, Banda Raya District, Banda Aceh at 09.00 WIB.
Abdul Halim said the victim was known to be in the house alone. Meanwhile, the family is in Jakarta.
"Before being found dead, the night the victim met his personal driver," he said.
Meanwhile, Abdul continued, it cannot be concluded whether the person concerned was pure suicide or not, what is clear is that the identification team from the Polresta has carried out the TKP at the scene.
Abdul added that when found, the victim was wearing a white t-shirt and brown shorts in the position of his feet folded over the chair.
Currently, the police have installed a police line to conduct an investigation regarding the death of the P2P PUPR Kasatker. Then, the victim has been evacuated using an ambulance from PMI Banda Aceh City to RSUZA for further investigation.
"Maybe later if there are bruises on the body or where it will be seen during an examination at the hospital by a Forensic doctor, the identification team will investigate the case," said Abdul Halim.
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