PESAWARAN - A member of the Pesawaran Police, Lampung Regional Police, installed a police line on the house belonging to the perpetrator of the shooting that took place at the Central Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Office.

"We have visited his house. While waiting for investigators from Polda Metro Jaya, the house of the perpetrator is a 'police line'," said Pesawaran Police Chief AKBP Pratomo Widodo as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.

In addition to installing police lines, his party has also examined a number of witnesses consisting of the perpetrator's wife.

The examination of witnesses was carried out at the Kedondong Police, Pesawaran, Lampung.

"We are still examining witnesses, including the perpetrator's wife. Until tonight, members are still on guard at the perpetrator's house," he said.

Previously, there was a shooting at the MUI office, Central Jakarta. The shooter is known to be Mustopa, 60 years old.

Police investigators found evidence in the form of a gun. Meanwhile, the shooter is confirmed to have died.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Lampung Province asked the police to be professional in uncovering the motives of the shooters so as not to corner one particular religion.

"Of course the police must not be reckless in this incident, and please reveal it professionally so as not to corner one of the religions," said MUI Lampung chairman Prof Moh Mukri.

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