The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Aceh Regency said the 1.3 hectare community garden fire in Lapang Village, Johan Pahlawan District, Meulaboh, which had been successfully extinguished since Sunday (30/4).
"Alhamdulillah, currently the fire conditions have been extinguished and the conditions are currently raining," said West Aceh BPBD Pusdalops Coordinator Mashuri, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 2.
Mashuri explained that the area that had previously been burned included two points, namely at the first point covering an area of 0.91 hectares and in the second location covering an area of 0.44 hectares.
According to him, in order to extinguish the fire, the West Aceh BPBD also deployed two units of four-wheeled vehicles to the location of the fire, namely one Isuzu D-MAX unit and one pickup truck.
His party also deployed outage equipment in the form of a Kohler machine and a Robin engine unit to help extinguish the community land.
The effort to extinguish the fire also involved personnel from the West Aceh Police, the Johan Pahlawan Police, the West Aceh Kodim 0105, the Johan Pahlawan RAPI, and the Fire Care Community (MPA) of Lapang Village, Meulaboh.
Although he has succeeded in extinguishing the fire, Mashuri said that the cause of the plantation fire in the area is not yet known for sure.
As of Tuesday night, efforts to extinguish the fire at the location of the fire had been stopped, and conditions at the location of the fire were also raining.
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