Investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police have transferred files belonging to six suspects in the alleged case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) to the Turkish destination to the investigating prosecutor. "The one or what we transferred to the prosecutor belonged to six suspects TIP to Turkey consisting of two LPs (police reports)," said Head of Sub-Directorate IV of General Criminal Investigation (Reskrimum) of the NTB Police AKBP Ni Made Pujawati quoted ANTARA, Tuesday 11 April. For that, he said, investigators are now waiting for the results of the prosecutor's research on the files submitted at the end of last week. If there are additional instructions, Pujawati ensures that investigators will immediately pay for the files. "If later the files are declared complete, of course we will follow up with stage two, handing over the suspects and evidence to the public prosecutor," he said. Pujawati also said that investigators had made an extension The detention of the suspects with the permission of the court judge. "The detention period has not run out, it's just that investigators anticipate the long holiday this month, so an extension will be carried out first," he said.Pujawati also ensured that the suspects were still in detention at the NTB Police Detention Center (Rutan). Four suspects for the first report number: LP/B/21/II/2023/SPKT/NTB Police, dated February 23, 2023, with the initials CR, AW, and IM who act as field workers, as well as YH with the role of local sponsors. In the first report, there were five Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who were victims of TIP to Turkey. Four of them had the initials EF, RW, JM, and NA from Sumbawa Regency, and another one from West Sumbawa Regency with the initials AR. Furthermore, the report of the two numbers: LP/B/22/II/2023/SPKT/Polda NTB on February 23, 2023, with the number of victims as many as three people with the initials JM and SH from Central Lombok Regency and from Sumbawa Regency with the initials SR. The suspects in this second report are two people. They have the initials IZ, field workers and MS as local sponsors. From these two reports, there is a suspect named Ismail Lessy alias Ismail bin Saleem who is now on the police wanted list (DPO). In this case, Ismail revealed that he played a role as a collector of victims and financiers who came from Jakarta. "So, for the existence of this DPO, we are still investigating it in the field," he said. that investigators have named a suspect in this case based on the results of a case title that confirms the alleged criminal violation in the departure of Turkish migrant workers. In this case, he said, the victim was dispatched as PMI without official procedures. In addition, Turkey is still listed as one of the countries in the Middle East which is included in the list of temporary suspensions or moratoriums for PMIs in the domestic sector. As a suspect, investigators apply the suspicion Article 10, Article 10 11 in conjunction with Article 14 of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons and/or Article 81 jo. Article 69 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.
The case, which is included in the extraordinary crime type, was successfully revealed thanks to the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the hard work of the women and children protection team (PPA) in the field. This case was revealed within a week since the police received the victim's report. "So, for the victims themselves, now we have returned all of them to their respective areas through BP2MI. In addition to providing supervision, there is also guidance provided by each health worker (workforce service)," said Pujawati.
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