TANGERANG - Three people were killed and three others injured in a traffic accident involving a tank truck and motorbike on Jalan Raya Serang KM 24, Balaraja District, Tangerang Regency, Banten on Monday.
Head of Tangerang Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Fikry Ardiansyah, said the accident occurred at 07.30 WIB.
"For this accident, it involved several vehicles, namely Mitsubition of a puso tank truck, with five motorbikes, resulting in three deaths, one serious injury, 2 minor injuries," said Fikry in Tangerang, Antara, Tuesday, April 10.
The three victims who died at the crime scene (TKP) had the initials J, N and S. And all the victims who died were currently evacuated to the Balaraja Regional General Hospital (RSUD).
"For the identities of the three injured victims, we are still in the process of collecting data. However, the three of them have been handled," he said.
He explained, based on the results of an interim investigation that the accident occurred when a tank truck vehicle loaded with chemical liquid NoPol B 9622 N driven by Hadli drove from Balaraja to Cikupa.
However, he continued, when he arrived at the Balaraja flyover, the car lost control so that the vehicle in front of him was hit. After hitting, the tank truck was thrown to the left shoulder of the road.
"It is suspected that there was negligence from the driver, so it hit the vehicle in front of him. If there is a failed brake, we will carry out further investigations," he said.
He revealed that to follow up on the case of the deadly accident, his party has now carried out security for the tank truck driver as a further investigation.
"Furthermore, for the driver, we will secure it to the Tangerang Police Headquarters," he said.
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