BOGOR - A boy from Bogor City with the initials JF was found dead drowning in the Ciapus River on Thursday, March 30, 2023.
This three-year-old boy died after previously slipping while playing on the edge of the Ciapus River at around 15:50 WIB.
This incident began when the three-year-old boy was known to be busy sitting on the banks of the Ciapus River, while playing in the water with his friends.
Then, when the victim was about to stand up, this three-year-old boy slipped and fell into the river. Then, carried away by the current of the Ciapus River.
Knowing the incident, his colleague shouted for help from local residents. Not long after, residents searched for the victim.
"After searching, the victim was found about 200 meters from the crash site. It was found at 16:00 WIB," said Head of Bogor City BPBD, Teofilo Patrocinio Freitas, Friday, March 31.
Then, continued Theo, local residents immediately took the victim to Medika Dramaga Hospital for further help.
But unlucky, after being given temporary assistance, the hospital stated that the victim had died.
"The victim's body has been brought by the family, and the plan is to be taken directly to Cianjur where the family is," said Theo.
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