JAKARTA - You must be familiar with the word ghosting, especially if you have been a victim of it. If you are already a victim, don't worry because there are ways to deal with ghosting to make it easier to move on.

However, this method also depends on each person whether they really want to move on or not. The reason is that all the tips will be useless if you yourself have not decided to really move on from the person who has left you.

Adapted from Hello Relish, Tuesday, June 13, here are four tips on moving on after being ghosted.

Don't Blame Yourself

The first thing you shouldn't do when you're a victim of ghosting is don't blame yourself. The reason is, this is not about you but about a former partner who is less able to navigate a romantic relationship properly. Instead of discussing solving problems together, your partner chooses to leave you. This type of person should be kept away from the ideal partner criteria.

Don't Chase After Them

If you've been ghosted, don't ever expect him to come back. He's not busy or just forgot to respond to you. If interested, of course he will contact you first. For that, block your partner on social media and avoid reconnecting with him. Remember, he doesn't feel like you deserve an explanation for the breakup. So leave the ghoster where it is in the past.

Realize the Disappointment That Comes

Ghosting is really painful and you can be very disappointed. Feelings of confusion, anger, sadness, and helplessness are inevitable. How can someone stop talking to you so easily? Why did he disappear without giving an explanation?

Ghosting causes a rush of mixed emotions. It is a form of silent treatment, which mental health professionals describe as emotional abuse. You will feel helpless. You don't know how to understand anything and get hurt because you didn't get a chance to express your feelings to that person. So basically, let yourself feel whatever you need to feel before trying to move past it.

Take Care of Yourself

The period after ghosting is the perfect time to indulge. Start a new exercise routine, journal, spend time with your loved ones, or take up a new hobby. Do things that make you happy. The more you invest in self-care, the more distant memories of this person will be remembered.

Don't Get Angry On Social Media

Doing hair, choosing clothes and applying makeup takes a lot of time and energy. Therefore, it's important to value your beautiful self and not waste it being angry at the person who hosted you. Don't tell the world what happened. One thing to remember, even if you delete the message, the digital footprint remains on the internet forever and is hard to erase.

Being ghosted does not determine your worthiness or value as a person or a partner. He just can't treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. If someone can disappear without saying a word, then a healthy relationship can be difficult to establish.

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