YOGYAKARTA Brain Tumor is a disease characterized by abnormal cell or tissue growth in the brain. Each type of brain tumor can cause different symptoms, depending on the level of ferocity. Starting from tame to malignant or aggressive.

Well, for those of you who want to understand the health conditions caused by brain tumors, it is important to know the following type of brain tumor.

The World Health Organization (WHO) divides brain tumors based on their ferocity levels, including:

Types Of Brain Tumors That Often OCCUR

According to WHO, there are more than 130 types of brain tumors that have been identified. Of the hundreds of types of brain tumors, there are several types of brain tumors that often occur in humans, including:

That's information about the type of brain tumor that needs to be watched out for. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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