JAKARTA - Physical activity is one of the important things to keep the body fit as we get older, said sports medicine specialist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, SpKO.

"Even though we are no longer young, our physical activities should not be reduced," said the doctor who is a member of the Association of Sports Medicine Specialists (PDSKO) quoted from Antara, Sunday.

Andi said that physical activity must continue to be accustomed so that the function of the organs of the body and tissue can function properly. There are many physical activities that can be done regularly, such as a combination of joint flexibility, cardio or heart movements, as well as muscle strength and balance.

Running, for example, said Andi can be a good choice of exercise because it has a positive impact on muscle, bone and heart strengths, considering that the three organs of the body are known to decline most with age.

"Do routine physical activity and proper nutrition to maintain the strength of synergy between muscles, bones, and heart health," said Andi.

In addition to physical activity, nutrition is also important to pay attention to. Clinical nutrition specialist from FKUI dr. Cut Hafiah, M. Nutrition, SpGK, FINEM, AIFO-K says that proper nutrition has various benefits such as increasing energy, strengthening the immune system, maintaining muscle health, bones, and heart.

Moreover, he said, nutrition can help improve the quality of life as a whole.

"The condition of the body tends to decrease its function when we get older, especially muscles, bones, and heart so that proper nutrition selection is very important to do in order to maintain quality of life," said Cut Hafiah.

He also suggested getting used to consuming nutrients with appropriate protein levels, high calcium content, and good fats such as olives.

"In the extract of the olives, there is hydroxytyrosol which is able to maintain smooth circulation of blood and also heart health. In addition, it is also balanced with a healthy lifestyle and is diligent in physical activities," said Cut Hafiah.

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