YOGYAKARTA Breastfeeding companion food is a solid food that your little one begins to eat at the age of more than 6 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides guidance that MPASI's age depends on the baby's readiness. Marked by them being able to sit upright and raise their heads, curious about the objects around them, open your mouth and try to bite when you take food with a fork, your tongue does not encourage breast milk, and your little one still looks hungry after breastfeeding 8-10 times a day or about 32 ounces of formula.
If your little one is not ready, it's okay to wait for a while. Because experts say, you can't start solid food before the age of 4 months. Well, how to introduce the following breast milk companion (MPASI) food according to experts.
When the child's age enters the MPASI age, think of solid food as a bonus food. Some calories and nutrients for the little one are still dominant from breast milk. So, give your little one breast milk in the morning, before or after eating, and before going to bed.
Suitable foods and not, do need to experiment. If your little one drinks a lot, give him food first and then drink with a bottle. If the warrant is moderate, try the opposite stage.
The portion of companion food and breast milk must be balanced. For example, up to 9 months give 20-28 ounces of milk every 3-4 hours. Age between 9-12 months, give as much as 16-24 ounces of milk every 4-5 hours. After your little one understands the concept of eating, start a routine of eating from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If eating with family is important, it could be a good way to get used to eating time.
At the age of 6 months, feed the baby twice, about 2-4 tablespoons each. At the age of 7-12 months, feed them three times the size of your baby's fist each. But keep in mind, there is no definite guideline on how much companion food you have to eat.
At the beginning of the introduction of breast milk companion food, your little one may be more interested in food than breast milk or formula. This is normal because babies are starting to grow more independently. But it is necessary to pay attention to the first food according to its age.
Fresh foods such as vegetables and fruit, can be introduced first. If they like sweet foods, then fruits can be selected. Don't hesitate to experiment, reported by Parents, Sunday, May 28. Massage and whole grain foods can help enrich iron.
How to prepare it, mix 1 tablespoon of wheat contracts with 4-5 tablespoons of breast milk or formula. At the introduction stage of this breast milk companion food, it is also important to start identifying foods that cause allergies. Generally, allergic foods include peanuts, eggs, and dairy products.
Babies aged 6-8 months, starting from introducing them one by one ingredients first. Start solid food as a finger food and never offer raw food. Make sure the fruit and vegetables are soft enough to smooth out. Also pay attention to the shape, younger babies will be easier to eat mash potatoes or avocado slices.
Dense food is a new thing for your little one to enter the age of MPASI. But there are foods that are not safe for the baby to eat. Under the age of 1 year, avoid giving honey, cow's milk, nuts, whole grains, wines, raw vegetables, corn popcorn, peanut butter, and hot dogs.
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