JAKARTA - Aghniny Haque is the main character in the latest horror film produced by Visionari Capital and Relate Films, Kajiman: The Cruelest Devil of Trustees. He plays Asha, a nurse who has to deal with black magic.
Kajiman is the 4th horror film in Aghniny's career to start acting since 2018. However, the actress said that director Adriyanto Dewo's film will be her last horror film.
"Yes, this is my last horror film, I am proud to announce it," said Aghniny Haque at Epicentrum, South Jakarta on Friday, May 12.
Aghniny feels Kajiman is the best horror film he has ever starred in. He didn't want to forget the experience of playing Asha.
"Because if I take another horror, I'm just sad that I'll leave Kajaniman, because I want to. You could say this is my masterpiece," said Aghniny.
Menurut saya (Kajiman) horornya punya warna berbeda dari horor lain. Bukan hanya hanggur atau jump skere, tapi ceritanya sangat kuat, terus juga membawa isu tradisional, riset pendalam. Terima sekali, sambungnya.
The 26-year-old actress also feels grateful to be involved in the Koran. In fact, he admitted to reading scripts repeatedly because he fell in love with the storyline. In addition, Aghniny felt that all the people involved were very happy.
"I got a cool directing, a loving team, I can be very close to the men. It's a really dream team, everything is good, to the makeup artist," said Aghniny.
"I really shot without any complaints, I want to be tired, the luggage is happy and I still remember when filming was crazy, I think. I won't take horror films anymore," he continued.
The film Kajiman: The Cruelst Devil The Collector of Promises is based on the phenomenon of everyday life and is associated with Javanese cultural myths.
Kajiman itself is a mythological creature from Java. The figure is considered strong and can be used as a khodam for pesugihan. The devil is said to be close to humans to be influenced to participate in the heretical sect.
Elements of tradition, especially in Javanese culture, such as primbun and weton, will also be depicted in this film.
Apart from Aghniny Haque, several other actors and actresses also played, including Jourdy Pranata, Tyo Pakusadewo, Mian Tiara, Iedil Dzuhrie Alaudin, Rukman Rosadi and Ully Triani.
The film, which is tense and filled with terrible scenes in these unexpected parts, will be broadcast simultaneously in all Indonesian cinemas on May 18.
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